Seminar began with recitation from Holy Quran by Vice Principal of the college Dr. Shamsul Arfeen Khan. Professor Dr. Syed Zafar Abbas outlined the programme ahead. Professor of Medicine at the college Dr. Muhammad Ali welcomed the students and doctors and highlighted the importance of seminar. He sid that gastrointestinal and liver diseases were prevalent in Pakistan, particularly Mirpurkhas. He counted holding such seminars and other programmes to raise awareness about such diseases among students and doctors as one of the primary functions of institutions like Muhammad Medical College. He commended organizers for successfully holding these seminars for 6 years in succession despite difficult situations in the country.
Assistant Professor at department of Medicine & Gastroenterology of Muhammad Medical College Mirpurkhas, Dr. Abdul Ghani Rahimo gave his presentation on Peptic Ulcer Disease. He said that this illness was prevalent in Pakistan like many other countries in the world. He said that this disease is mostly caused by a germ called H. Pylori. He explained that this infection can be cured by some medications, following which one can get rid of ulcers permanently. He also said that in the past, ulcer commonly resulted in many complications, requiring operation. However, eradicating H. Pylori has largely meant that such operations are now very rarely needed. Dr. Khaid Shaikh who had come especially for this seminar from Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences gave a detailed lecture on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. He said that epidemic of obesity and heavy consumption of fast food has caused a rapid rise in occurrence of this disease in modern world. He said that this illness not only caused heartburn and other symptoms, but was a risk factor for development of cancer of gullet in some patients. He discussed various aspects of investigations and treatment modalities of this problems. Professor Dr. Syed Razi Muhammad of Surgery talked on myths in Gastrointestinal surgery. He explained that there are many misconceptions prevalent among doctors, especially surgeons. He said that such misconceptions are resulting in more complications caused by operations. He emphasized on the importance of research and practicing evidence based medicine and said that a good doctors is always prepared to change his or her practice in the light of new evidence.
This was followed by tea break following which senior doctors and other guests visited the poster hall where scientific posters on medical and surgical topics were displayed by students. They appreciated the high quality of these scientific posters with modern clinical information. This was followed by the second session of the seminar in which topics form liver diseases were discussed. Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan presented on chronic hepatitis B. He said that re-use of injections and misuse of injections are the major causes of spread of this infections in our country. He said that a recent national survey has shown that 10% of population in Pakistan is infected with hepatitis virus B or C. He discussed the various complicated tests and drugs used in this disease. He emphasized upon the importance of preventive vaccination against this deadly virus. Professor Syed Zafar Abbas gave a lecture on accumulation of extra fluid in abdomen caused by advanced liver disease. He said that 10-20% of chronic hepatitis B and C infections lead to development of advanced liver disease called cirrhosis in 10-20 years leading to complications. He said a major complication of this nature is ascites (extra fluid in abdomen) which accounts for 50% of such complications and leads to death within 2 year for an average patient. He discussed the ways to diagnose this complication promptly and to treat it. He said that unfortunately unreal concepts prevail among society and doctors which need to be corrected by holding such seminars. After every lecture in the seminar. A question and answer session was held.
Professor Dr. Syed Razi Muhammad later expressed his views on the seminar’s proceedings. He said that such seminars are important for development and improvement in knowledge of students and doctors, which ultimately leads to better treatment and care of patients. He appreciated the heavy attendance of the seminar by doctors and students and praised the high quality of posters and presentations. He stressed upon students to use the experience and knowledge gained in these seminars and build on them. He urged them to work hard in their education so they can serve the humanity as good doctors in future. Later on shields and certificates were awarded to students who were judged to give best poster and oral presentations and to those who obtained best marks in competition test. At the end Vice Principal Dr. Shamsul Arfeen Khan offered Vote of thanks to all who contributed and participated in these programmes and made them such a success.